Language training programmes and commendation scheme for taxi drivers

The Quality Taxi Services Steering Committee (QTSSC) has successfully secured funding support from the Workplace English Campaign Steering Committee to launch a workplace English programme for taxi drivers later this year.

Speaking after the QTSSC meeting this (September 7) afternoon, Chairman of the Committee, Mr Jeffrey Lam, said the QTSSC was very grateful to the Steering Committee for their funding support for launching the workplace English programme.

To provide more comprehensive language training to taxi drivers and for cost efficiency, the Transport Department (TD) will also take the opportunity to integrate the workplace Putonghua programme with the workplace English programme.

TD is now drawing up details of the workplace English and Putonghua programmes, and plans to launch them by October this year.

Mr Lam said: "The programmes are aimed at equipping taxi drivers with basic language skills to communicate in simple English and Putonghua on areas like general greetings, destinations, payment of taxi fares, and so on. Useful terms, popular street and building names will also be included.

"Contents of the programmes would be presented in the form of a self-learning package comprising two compact discs and a learning guide. The package will be distributed free of charge to taxi drivers through registered taxi owners and taxi associations.

"As the programme is self-learning in nature, taxi drivers can adjust their pace of learning flexibly in accordance with their individual progress, circumstances and needs. Such an arrangement is welcomed by the taxi trade," he added.

Separately, TD has proposed at the QTSSC meeting this afternoon to launch a "Taxi Driver Commendation Scheme" shortly to give recognition to taxi drivers who have delivered good service to taxi passengers.

Under the scheme, taxi drivers recommended by the Hong Kong Tourist Association, the Consumer Council, the Police or the Transport Complaints Unit will each receive a commendation certificate, a quality taxi driver identity card and a souvenir from TD as token of appreciation for their good performance and delivery of quality services.

"The QTSSC supports the commendation scheme as it will encourage taxi drivers to continue to deliver good services to passengers," said Mr Lam, adding that the scheme would provide an avenue to commend taxi drivers with good performance and help promote their professional image.

TD is now drawing up the details of the scheme and will soon consult the relevant government departments and organisations.

Mr Lam also unvealed the QTSSC's plan to organise a quality taxi service forum in December this year to keep up the momentum for promoting quality taxi services.

He said: "The forum will provide an opportunity for members of the taxi trade, government departments, and organisations with close linkage with the taxi trade to exchange views on possible ways to further upgrade the quality of taxi services and the performance of taxi drivers."

Topics that may be discussed include application of information technology, provision of better customer service and passenger facilities, taxi driver training and qualifications and other issues related to quality taxi services.

The QTSSC was formed in May 1999 to advise the Commissioner for Transport on the delivery of various projects for improving the quality of taxi services. It comprises representatives from the taxi trade associations and drivers' associations, Transport Bureau, Transport Department, district councils, the Hong Kong Tourist Association and the Consumer Council.

End/Thursday, September 7, 2000