Parking certificate for parents and spouses carrying people with disabilities on trial 28.02.2002
Temporary Closure of Sha Tin Abandoned Vehicle Surrender Centre 27.02.2002
Special arrangement for renewal of vehicle and driving licences adopted again 25.02.2002
Special traffic and transport arrangements for Sunday Marathon 22.02.2002
Expiry of the scrapping incentive scheme 21.02.2002
Tenders invited for management of Cross Harbour Tunnel 15.02.2002
Passengers advised to depart for LMC at non-peak hours 10.02.2002
One more batch of taxi pick up/drop-off points and Taxi drop-off points designated 08.02.2002
Passengers advised to plan early for cross-boundary journeys 07.02.2002
Workshop promoted PLB drivers training and management 06.02.2002
Workshop to improve PLB service quality 04.02.2002
Government is committed to providing quality transport system 01.02.2002