Temporary NSR relaxation of taxi extended for 6 months 28.07.2003
Tenders for operating 10 green minibus service in the New Territories 25.07.2003
Transport Department to improve directional signing 25.07.2003
Opening of service at Licensing Offices 24.07.2003
Busy traffic around Kwai Chung Container Port 24.07.2003
Transport announcement during typhoon 23.07.2003
Public advised to note radio announcements on transport 23.07.2003
TD Emergency Transport Co-ordination Centre activated 23.07.2003
Motorists take heed of traffic situation in Central 09.07.2003
Termination of NT taxi temporary fare concession 08.07.2003
Survey result on owners and drivers of NT taxis announced 05.07.2003
TD clarifies doubts on Electronic Audible Traffic Signal 04.07.2003