Age GroupMaleFemaleBoth sexes
No. of casualties Mid-year population (000's) Casualties per 1,000 population No. of casualties Mid-year population (000's) Casualties per 1,000 population No. of casualties Mid-year population(000's) Casualties per 1,000 population
Under 5 67 138.6 0.5 27 129.0 0.2 94 267.6 0.4
5 - 9 211 202.8 1.0 103 189.5 0.5 316 392.3 0.8
10 - 14 310 223.7 1.4 153 210.8 0.7 463 434.5 1.1
15 - 19 188 226.6 0.8 128 213.6 0.6 316 440.2 0.7
20 - 24 222 222.8 1.0 182 227.0 0.8 404 449.8 0.9
25 - 29 197 236.8 0.8 135 274.7 0.5 332 511.5 0.6
30 - 34 186 253.7 0.7 120 334.7 0.4 306 588.4 0.5
35 - 39 193 302.2 0.6 149 372.9 0.4 342 675.1 0.5
40 - 44 167 337.1 0.5 145 356.3 0.4 312 693.4 0.4
45 - 49 183 283.3 0.6 156 288.7 0.5 339 572.0 0.6
50 - 54 174 235.0 0.7 140 225.5 0.6 314 460.5 0.7
55 - 59 115 149.6 0.8 102 133.8 0.8 217 283.4 0.8
60 - 64 107 128.7 0.8 76 112.6 0.7 183 241.3 0.8
65 - 69 111 128.8 0.9 112 122.9 0.9 224 251.7 0.9
70 - 74 108 105.3 1.0 128 110.4 1.2 236 215.7 1.1
75 & over 168 124.9 1.3 220 184.7 1.2 388 309.6 1.3
Unknown 15 - - 4 - - 19 - -
Total 2722 3299.9 0.8 2080 3487.1 0.6 4805 # 6787.0 0.7

Note: # Including 3 casualties with unknown information