Within 'Zebra' controlled areas

[Within 'Zebra' controlled area]
You must not cross a road within the controlled area marked by zigzag lines. Use the 'Zebra' crossing.

Near 'Green man' crossings

[Near 'Green man' crossings]
You must not cross within 15 metres on either side of a 'Green man' crossing. You should use the crossing when the pedestrian light shows a 'Green man' and it is safe to do so.

Near footbridges and subways

[Near footbridges and subways]
You must not cross within 15 metres on either side of a footbridge or subway. Use the footbridge or subway.

Guard rails

[Guard rails] [Climb Guard rails]
You must not climb through or over guard rails or barriers onto the roadway.

Central reservations

[Central reservations]
You must not climb through or over any guard rails, barriers or central reservations.

Light rail vehicles and trams only

[the boundary of the light rail area]The sign permits the entry of light rail vehicles and trams only. You must not walk beyond the sign.