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Road Markings for Cyclists

Section of road reserved for cyclists
Section of road reserved for cyclists
This marking indicates that the section of road on which it is placed is reserved for bicycles or tricycles.
End of section of road reserved for cyclists
End of section of road reserved for cyclists
This marking indicates the end of the section of road on which it is reserved for bicycles or tricycles.
"Slow" marking
Slow marking
This marking indicates to vehicular traffic potential danger ahead and the need to proceed with caution.
"Stop" marking
Stop marking
This marking indicates to vehicular traffic the approach to a road junction at or near which is placed with a "Stop" sign.
Give way warning
Give way warning
This marking indicates to vehicular traffic the approach to a road junction at or near which is placed with "transverse marking - Give Way Lines", or both the marking "Give-Way Lines" and the sign "Give Way".
Longitudinal marking - Carriageway division line
Longitudinal marking - Carriageway division line
Longitudinal line indicates to vehicular traffic the division between opposing flows on a carriageway.
Longitudinal marking - Lane lines
Longitudinal marking - Lane lines
A longitudinal line indicates to vehicular traffic moving in the same direction the division of the carriageway into traffic lanes.
Longitudinal marking - Double lines
Longitudinal marking - Double lines
These double lines indicate that a vehicle must not be over or cross either continuous line contrary to Regulation 11 of Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulation Chapter 374G.
Hatched traffic island marking
Hatched traffic island marking
This marking indicates to vehicular traffic that part of the carriageway which vehicular traffic shall not enter except in emergency.
Transverse stop line (before 'Stop' sign)
Transverse stop line (before 'Stop' sign)
These transverse lines indicate position beyond which vehicular traffic must not proceed when required to stop by the 'Stop' sign.
Transverse stop line (before traffic signal)
Transverse stop line (before traffic signal)
This transverse line indicates the position beyond which vehicular traffic must not proceed when required to stop by traffic light signals or the police.
Transverse marking - Give way lines
Transverse marking - Give way lines
Transverse line to indicate to vehicular traffic that no vehicle shall proceed past the line ( which is nearest to the major road ) into that road in such a manner or at such a time as is likely to cause danger to the driver of any other vehicle on the major road.
Road marking directional arrows
Road marking directional arrows
To indicate to vehicular traffic appropriate traffic lanes.
Multi-Cycles only
Multi-Cycles only
This marking indicates that the section of cycleway on which it is placed is reserved for multi-cycles only except where the road marking for "Section of road reserved for cyclists" is also placed, in which case bicycles and tricycles are also permitted on the cycleway.
Portion of road reserved for pedestrians
Portion of road reserved for pedestrians
This marking indicates that the portion of pavement is reserved for pedestrians.
* For other road markings, please click here.
If you have any enquiry on these road markings,
please contact Transport Department ( e-mail : tdenq@td.gov.hk )