Driver contributory factorSeverity of accidentTotal
Fatal Serious Slight
Exceeding speed limit 6 3 10 19
Driving too fast for road environment 7 44 120 171
Driving too fast for other road users 0 20 51 71
Failing to keep to nearside of road 0 3 8 11
Driving too close to kerb 1 20 116 137
Driving too close to vehicle in front 1 176 1410 1587
Driving too close to vehicle alongside 0 4 50 54
Overtaking on offside negligently 3 40 173 216
Overtaking on nearside negligently 2 15 80 97
Careless lane changing 0 96 730 826
Reversing negligently 5 63 319 387
Turning right negligently 3 84 392 479
Turning left negligently 1 26 161 188
'U-turning' negligently 1 11 89 101
Stopping negligently 0 4 27 31
Starting negligently 3 49 251 303
Disobeying traffic signal 6 50 193 249
Disobeying stop sign (Halt) 0 2 40 42
Disobeying give way sign (Slow) 0 22 137 159
Disobeying double white lines 0 8 15 23
Disobeying directions of police officer 1 0 4 5
Disobeying school crossing patrol 0 0 0 0
Opening door negligently 0 9 43 52
Overtaking in zebra controlled area 0 0 2 2
Failing to stop at zebra crossing 2 6 13 21
Failing to signal movement correctly 0 1 4 5
Emerging from side road negligently 5 35 206 246
Emerging from private drive negligently 1 1 16 18
Driving on wrong side of road 1 21 72 94
Vision affected by atmospheric conditions 0 1 3 4
Distracted by action inside vehicle 0 0 17 17
Distracted by action outside vehicle 0 6 20 26
Losing control (no apparent reason) 5 41 104 150
Asleep or drowsy 2 29 57 88
Consumption of drugs 0 0 1 1
Consumption of alcohol 0 21 53 74
Sudden illness 1 6 5 12
Physical handicap (vision) or mental handicap 0 0 0 0
Physical handicap (hearing) or mental handicap 0 0 0 0
Physical handicap (others) or mental handicap 0 0 0 0
Dazzled by sun 0 0 1 1
Dazzled by headlight 0 1 3 4
Dazzled by other lights 0 0 2 2
Losing control of vehicle 15 209 772 996
Trying to avoid collision or otherwise: swerving 1 65 235 301
Trying to avoid collision or otherwise: skidding 1 11 32 44
Trying to avoid collision or otherwise: stopping suddenly 1 9 76 86
Using telephone while driving 0 1 2 3
Listening to walkman while cycling 0 0 0 0
Listening to radio/music while driving 0 0 0 0
Other driver factor 45 614 2207 2866