Environment contributory factorSeverity of accidentTotal
Fatal Serious Slight
Slippery road (not related to weather) 0 15 76 91
Slippery road (caused by weather) 1 15 48 64
Low bridge 0 0 1 1
High wind 0 4 6 10
Steep hill 0 1 8 9
LRT level crossing 0 1 3 4
Vision obscured by parked vehicle 1 3 3 7
Vision obscured by other stationary vehicle 1 1 11 13
Vision obscured by bus/PLB at bus/PLB stop 0 1 1 2
Vision obscured by queue of traffic 0 2 2 4
Vision obscured by sharp corner 0 1 3 4
Vision obscured on approaching crest of hill 0 0 0 0
Vision obscured by wall or bridge structure 0 0 3 3
Vision obscured by tree or bushes 0 1 5 6
Vision obscured by bus shelter 0 0 0 0
Vision obscured by advertisement sign 0 0 0 0
Vision obscured by other street fixtures 0 0 0 0
Vision obscured by hawker stall 0 0 0 0
Vision obscured by pedestrian 0 0 1 1
Vision obscured by other obstruction 0 1 9 10
Object or animal in road 1 18 91 110
Defective traffic signal 1 1 8 10
Potholes 0 5 22 27
Unreinstated trench 0 1 7 8
Obstructed road 1 1 14 16
Pedestrian negligence 4 37 65 106