Vehicle class* No. of accidentsNo. of involvements# Casualty by degree of injuryTotal
Fatal Serious Slight
All classes of vehicles 14436 21573 202 2951 15157 18310
Motorcycle 2671 2736 27 585 2408 3020
Private car 5165 6282 63 990 5993 7046
Public light bus 958 1008 23 230 1263 1516
Light goods vehicle 2435 2728 40 553 2754 3347
Medium goods vehicle 876 1020 46 239 1018 1303
Heavy goods vehicle 86 88 4 16 118 138
Public bus 2120 2219 39 404 2609 3052
Taxi 3057 3397 22 561 3393 3976
Bicycle 1670 1758 11 254 1483 1748
Tram 90 99 3 21 117 141
Light rail vehicle 21 21 0 5 20 25
Private light bus 82 83 2 17 124 143
Private bus 14 16 1 0 32 33
Handcart 58 59 3 16 40 59
Trailer 3 3 0 2 1 3
Village vehicle 5 5 0 3 4 7
Special purpose vehicle 6 7 0 3 12 15
Concrete mixer 28 28 2 2 31 35
School private light bus 34 35 2 10 59 71
School bus 215 220 2 41 498 541

Notes:  (1) * In a single accident, there may be more than one class of vehicle involved
(2) # Casualties including pedestrian and vehicle occupant of other vehicle class involved