You can see many different traffic signs and road markings on the roads. They give advance information about road conditions ahead.

Road markings also give orders, warning or guidance to drivers and cyclists.

Learn the meaning of these signs and markings and look out for them when on the road. You will not then be surprised by a bend, a one-way road or a junction ahead. Drivers and cyclists should be well prepared for the road condition ahead.

Most of the traffic signs and road markings are illustrated in this chapter.

Circular Road Sign Triangular Road Sign Rectangular Road Sign Road Sign of other shapes
Circular signs give orders Triangular signs give warnings Rectangular signs mostly give directions or information There are a few exceptions to the shape and colour rules. These give prominence to certain signs, for example, the octagonal 'Stop' sign and the inverted triangular 'Give way' sign.

Signs that give orders

Traffic signs that give orders are called 'Regulatory signs'. They include all signs which give notice of requirements, prohibitions or restrictions. They may be either mandatory or prohibitory.

Regulatory signs are usually circular in shape and may be supplemented by plates beneath them augmenting the message given by the sign.

Red Border Road Sign A prohibitory sign means that something must not be done. It usually has a red border.
Blue Road Sign
A mandatory sign means that something must be done. It is usually blue in colour.

Signs that give warning

Warning Road Sign These signs give warning of hazards ahead. Most of them are triangular, with the apex at the top. They are sometimes supplemented by rectangular plates giving additional information as may be necessary.
Warning Road Sign

A warning sign with supplementary plate

Signs that give information

Information Road Sign

These signs normally give road users information or guidance about the route and about places and facilities of particular value or interest. Most informatory signs are rectangular in shape but signs giving route directions at a junction usually have one end pointed.

Information Road Sign

Advance direction signs and direction signs normally have a blue background but on expressways, they are green. When the signs are for local destinations or temporary diversions, they have a white or yellow background respectively.

Variable message signs

Information Road Sign

Variable message signs give general road information, including traffic conditions ahead and road safety messages.

Information Road Sign

Prismatic variable message signs are used at approaches to tunnels and major bridges to give information on temporary traffic arrangements for diversions due to incidents or adverse weather.


Journey time indication system

The journey time indication system provides the journey time information of different routes and assist you to make an informed route choice before arriving at the critical diversion points.

The displayed digits on the journey time indicators are shown in three colours for different traffic conditions: red represents congested traffic, amber represents slow traffic and green represents smooth traffic.

Information Road Sign


Speed map panels

Speed map panel systems are installed in the New Territories at critical diversion points of strategic routes to Kowloon to provide real-time traffic information and estimated journey times. You can make use of the real-time information to choose the most appropriate route.

Information Road Sign


Road markings

Road Marking illustration

Road markings are a special type of traffic signs which are marked on the surface of the road. Like traffic signs, they can give orders, warning or information. Sometimes they are used with traffic signs.