To improve the traffic conditions at Fuk Man Road, Sai Kung at weekends and public holidays and to maintain smooth operation of public transport, traffic control measures at a section of Fuk Man Road near Sai Kung Public Pier was implemented on weekends and public holidays to prohibit the access of all vehicles except public transport since 8 January 2022.
Members of the public are advised that the aforesaid arrangement at Fuk Man Road, Sai Kung from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm daily on every Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays will be permanently implemented.
All vehicles, except franchised buses, public light buses and taxis, are prohibited from entering the section of Fuk Man Road, east of its junction with Wai Man Road from Fuk Man Road eastbound or making left turn movement from Wai Man Road westbound to the aforesaid section.
II. Traffic Diversion
a) Affected vehicles may make right turn movement at the junction of Fuk Man Road and Chan Man Street heading for Chan Man Street; or
b) Affected vehicles may make left turn movement at the junction of Fuk Man Road and Wai Man Road heading for Wai Man Road.
III. Loading and unloading Arrangement (Figure 2 refers)
Loading and unloading activities shall be carried out at the designated loading and unloading area at Chan Man Street or the general loading and unloading area at Sai Kung North Public Transport Interchange.
Members of the public are reminded to note relevant traffic signs erected for indicating the extent of the prohibited zone.