In exercise of the powers vested in me under regulation 14(1)(b) of the Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations, Chapter 374G, I hereby direct that with effect from 10.00 a.m. on 24 January 2025, the following road sections will be designated as restricted zones 24 hours daily:
- the western kerbside lane of Castle Peak Road – Hung Shui Kiu northbound from a point about 35 metres north of its junction with unnamed access road near Light Rail Chung Uk Tsuen Stop to a point about 290 metres south of the same junction;
- the eastern kerbside lane of unnamed access road near Light Rail Chung Uk Tsuen Stop from a point about 15 metres west of its junction with Castle Peak Road – Hung Shui Kiu northbound to a point about 30 metres north of the same junction;
- the eastern kerbside lane of unnamed access road near Light Rail Chung Uk Tsuen Stop from a point about 15 metres west of its junction with Castle Peak Road – Hung Shui Kiu northbound to a point about 40 metres south of the same junction;
- the western kerbside lane of unnamed access road near Light Rail Chung Uk Tsuen Stop from a point about 25 metres north of its junction with Castle Peak Road – Hung Shui Kiu northbound to a point about 30 metres south of the same junction;
- the northern kerbside lane of Yick Yuen Road southbound from its junction with Castle Peak Road – Hung Shui Kiu northbound to a point about 65 metres west of the same junction;
- the southern kerbside lane of Yick Yuen Road northbound from its junction with Castle Peak Road – Hung Shui Kiu northbound to a point about 65 metres west of the same junction;
- the northern kerbside lane of unnamed access road leading to MTR LRL Rectifier Station No. 7 from its junction with Yick Yuen Road northbound to a point about 65 metres west of the same junction;
- the eastern kerbside lane of unnamed access road leading to MTR LRL Rectifier Station No. 7 from its junction with Yick Yuen Road northbound to a point about 25 metres south of the same junction;
- the eastern kerbside lane of Castle Peak Road – Hung Shui Kiu southbound from a point about 10 metres north of its junction with Yick Yuen Road to a point about 90 metres south of the same junction (including the bus lay-by);
- the eastern kerbside lane of Castle Peak Road – Hung Shui Kiu southbound from a point about 40 metres north of its junction with Shun Tat Street to a point about 35 metres south of the same junction;
- the western kerbside lane of Castle Peak Road – Hung Shui Kiu northbound from a point about 50 metres north of its junction with Shun Tat Street to a point about 130 metres south of the same junction;
- the eastern kerbside lane of unnamed access road near Yick Yuen Tsuen from a point about 15 metres west of its junction with Castle Peak Road – Hung Shui Kiu northbound to a point about 25 metres north of the same junction;
- the southern kerbside lane of unnamed access road near Yick Yuen Tsuen from a point about 15 metres west of its junction with Castle Peak Road – Hung Shui Kiu northbound to a point about 25 metres west of the same junction;
- the western kerbside lane of unnamed access road near Yick Yuen Tsuen from a point about 25 metres north of its junction with Castle Peak Road – Hung Shui Kiu northbound to a point about 25 metres south of the same junction;
- the western kerbside lane of Castle Peak Road – Lam Tei northbound from a point about 155 metres north of its junction with unnamed access road near Light Rail Nai Wai Stop to a point about 55 metres south of the same junction;
- the northern kerbside lane of unnamed access road near Light Rail Nai Wai Stop from a point about 15 metres west of its junction with Castle Peak Road – Lam Tei northbound to a point about 40 metres west of the same junction; and
- the southern kerbside lane of unnamed access road near Light Rail Nai Wai Stop from a point about 15 metres west of its junction with Castle Peak Road – Lam Tei northbound to a point about 30 metres west of the same junction.
Within the restricted zones, drivers of all motor vehicles, except those with permits issued by the Commissioner for Transport, will be prohibited from:-
- picking up or setting down passengers; or
- loading or unloading goods.
The extent of the restricted zones will be indicated by appropriate road markings.
At the same time, the existing restricted zones on the above road sections will be rescinded.
LEE Chung-yan, Angela Commissioner for Transport