Purchasing Parking Time

Can I purchase additional parking time on a parking meter with residual parking time on it? How can I top up the parking time to the longest parking period in this case?


Similar to the previous generation of parking meters that accept only Octopus Card, motorists can purchase additional parking time on a parking meter with residual parking time on it. However, total parking time to be purchased shall be limited to the longest parking period of respective parking meters.

All parking meters sell parking time in 15-minute unit or 30-minute unit. If the residual parking time on a parking meter is a multiple of the parking time unit, you may top up the parking time to its longest parking period.

If the difference between the residual parking time on the meter and its longest parking period is not a multiple of the parking time unit, we suggest using our mobile application "HKeMeter" to make a connection with the metered parking space first, and then purchasing additional parking time remotely to the longest parking period according to your needs.

For example, for a parking meter with 60-minute longest parking period and 15-minute parking time unit, when its residual parking time becomes 20 minutes, the difference between its residual parking time and its longest parking period shall be 40 minutes. In this case, you may at most purchase an additional 30 minutes (i.e. two parking time units) parking time. Since the remaining 10 minutes is less than one parking time unit (i.e. 15 minutes), you may not top up the parking time to its longest parking period (i.e. 60 minutes) at that moment. (see Diagram)


1 hour parking meter


As shown in the above diagram, upon purchasing 30 minutes additional parking time, the residual parking time on the parking meter will become 50 minutes. If you would like to top up the parking time to the longest parking period (i.e. 60 minutes), you may conduct the payment after 5 minutes, when the residual parking time on the parking meter becomes 45 minutes.


You may also make a connection with the parking space with "HKeMeter" first, to facilitate remote payment later and save the waiting time on-site.

If you would like to have a reminder when your parking period is about to expire within the coming 15 minutes, please enable the notification function inside "HKeMeter" to receive the notification message from "HKeMeter". You may then consider whether to purchase additional parking time according to your needs.


Can I purchase parking time before the commencement of the operating hours?


Yes. A parking meter accepts purchase of parking time start from one longest parking period prior to its operating hours.

For example, for a parking meter with 2-hour longest parking period and operating from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, you may purchase parking time start from 6:00 am. If you arrive at the parking meter at 7:20 am, you may at most purchase the parking period from 7:20 am to 9:20 am.

Although the parking meters show "Free Parking" at that moment, you can still press the "arrow" button (left button or right button) to selecting parking bay and complete the purchase same as the normal practice. The parking meter will show your parking period after completing the transaction successfully. (see diagram)

free parking


What should I do if the purchased parking period were not reflected on the parking meter?


If the parking meter fails to reflect your purchased parking time shortly, please wait for a while. The time required to update the parking period on parking meters is subject to different parameters (for example the condition of data communication, signal strength or system processing time). The parking meter will show the following message to notify the users when it requires more time to reflect the purchased parking time. (see Diagram)

Operation in progress, please wait

Operation might not be carried out successfully if the parking meter still has not reflected your purchased parking time after the above message (around 1 minute). In that case, please call the parking meter contractor 24-hour hotline (Tel: 2332 3700). If conditions permit, please retain the details of the transaction involved (location, parking space number, transaction date, transaction time, payment mean and transaction reference).  In addition, you may download the refund form from the link (https://hkemeter.hkt.com/), and send back the completed form according to the instructions at the bottom of the refund form.  The parking meter contractor will follow-up your case accordingly.


I have purchased parking time successfully. However, when I returned to my car, I found a Fixed Penalty Ticket issued by the Hong Kong Police Force. What should I do?


Please retain the details of the transaction involved (location, parking space number, transaction date, transaction time, payment mean and transaction reference), and contact the Hong Kong Police Force according to the instructions stipulated on the Fixed Penalty Ticket. This Department and the parking meter contractor shall provide relevant information upon the enquiries from Police and facilitate them on the investigation.


Mobile Application "HKeMeter"


I have installed the "HKeMeter" on my mobile device, but I am not sure how to use it. Where can I find the instructions or tutorial?


The "HKeMeter" Mobile Apps comes with a tutorial built-in. To access the tutorial, first login your "HKeMeter", select "My account" tab, and then click the option "More". A page should then be shown, and please select "Tutorial".

Besides, you may refer to our teaching videos with the hyperlink appended below.




I note that there are some vacant parking spaces nearby via the "HKeMeter", but I am not sure how to get there. Can the "HKeMeter" provide driving directions?


Yes. "HKeMeter" will display the operating information of a metered parking space by clicking the parking space on the map, with a "Route" button on the bottom of the page. By clicking the "Route" button (see Diagram), "HKeMeter" will direct you to a map application built-in on your mobile device and show the driving direction to the selected parking space. Please note that the navigation function shall be provided by your built-in map application and the accuracy shall be depending on respective map applications. We suggest users update "HKeMeter" and your map application regularly to ensure that you are having the latest and accurate information.

Hong Kong meter


Can the "HKeMeter" remind me when my parking period is about to expired?


Yes. "HKeMeter" can notify you when your parking period is about to expired. To enable the notification function, please login "HKeMeter", select "Notifications" under the "My account" tab. You may then turn on the notification function by sliding the button.


How can I extend my parking period using the "HKeMeter"?


Before using "HKeMeter" to extend your parking period, please ensure that you have made a connection using the "HKeMeter" with the parking space on-site, and your parking time has yet to be expired.

To extend your parking period, please click the "Extend" button under "My sessions" tab on the "HKeMeter". You may then select the parking time to be extended, followed by choosing your payment mean, and pressing the "Purchase" button to complete the transaction.


How much additional parking time can be purchased using the "HKeMeter"?


A motorist can purchase up to a total of two sessions of "Longest Parking Period for each transaction" (including the first purchase) on a parking meter using "HKeMeter". At present, subject to the traffic situation and parking demand in the vicinity where the parking meters are located, the "Longest Parking Period for each transaction" is fixed at 30 minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours. If you have connected your "HKeMeter" with a 2-hour meter, apart from purchasing at most 2-hour parking time on-site, you will be able to extend the parking period for a maximum of 2 hours using the "HKeMeter". You can make several transactions at different time to extend your parking time. (see Diagram)

parking time purchased initially on-site

As shown in the above Diagram, the user purchased a total of 4-hour parking time (11:00 am to 3:00 pm) with three transactions. If the user would like to purchase more parking time, he/she has to return to the parking space and get a fresh connection to link up with the parking space.

Moreover, if a parking meter is reaching a suspension period soon or beyond its operating period, user will not be able to purchase up to a total of two sessions of "Longest Parking Period for each transaction".


Why the users can only purchase up to a total of two sessions of "Longest Parking Period for each transaction"? If I cannot extend my parking period using the "HKeMeter", what should I do?


On-street metered parking spaces are provided to cater for the short-term parking needs of motorists. We discourage prolonged parking at the metered parking spaces.

Motorists can extend their parking period remotely using the "HKeMeter". Users of "HKeMeter" might encounter different occasions, for example, no network connection or weak signal, and not able to purchase parking time successfully. Under such circumstance, users should return to the parking space as soon as possible to purchase parking time. We recommend users to save sufficient time to extend their parking period through the "HKeMeter" to avoid any unforeseen issues.


When I return to the metered parking space, I note that there are residual parking time left for the concerned space. How could I get a connection using the "HKeMeter" and extend the parking period?


1. Select parking space by pressing either the left arrow buttonleft button or right arrow buttonright button

2. Press the QR code buttonQR code and the meter will generate a QR code

3. Use "HKeMeter" to scan the QR code

4. You can check the remaining parking time of the parking space under "My sessions"

 parking meter

For example, for a parking meter with 30-minute longest parking period and 15-minute parking time unit, when there are still 20 minutes residual parking time left, you may not top up the parking time to its longest parking period (i.e. 30 minutes) at once since the remaining 10 minutes is less than one parking time unit (i.e. 15 minutes).

At that moment, you may first connect the parking space using "HKeMeter" according to the above steps, and then extend your parking period on "HKeMeter" remotely after 5 minutes. (see Diagram)

30-minute parking meter


In the above example, you may at most purchase 30 minutes parking time using "HKeMeter", and enjoy in total 50 minutes parking time. Since "HKeMeter" allows you to enjoy up to a total of two sessions of longest parking period for each transaction (including the initial residual time on the meter), which is 1 hour, you may not purchase any more parking time remotely using "HKeMeter" at 11:50 am. If you would like to purchase more parking time, you have to return to the parking space and get a fresh connection.


Will the remaining time on "HKeMeter" automatically refresh itself?


In general, "HKeMeter" will send automated queries and update the remaining parking time regularly. If you were returning "HKeMeter" after power-saving mode or using other applications, you may also get an instant update by swiping down your screen.



Parking meters are installed on both edges of a parking space. Which one should I use for paying the parking fee?


The parking meters are equipped with sensors to detect whether a parking space is occupied. The direction a sensor is facing can tell motorists which parking meter they should use to pay the parking fee. Below is the image of a sensor:
The direction a sensor
The direction a sensor

Besides, the locations of all metered parking spaces and their corresponding meter nos. have been uploaded to the HKeMeter mobile application. Motorists can make use of the app to check which parking meter they should use to pay the parking fee (see Diagram).

Diagram 1:
Select Parking Space
Diagram 2:
Enquire Parking Space No.
Diagram 3:
Meter No. on Meter Pole On-site
Select Parking Space Enquire Parking Space No.

Meter No. on Meter Pole On-site



How do motorists distinguish between meters with different longest parking periods?



At present, the longest parking period is fixed at 30 minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours having regard to the traffic situation and parking demand in the area where the parking meters are located. Such longest parking periods are shown in yellow, brown and green colours respectively on the traffic signs nearby and the hotline stickers on each meter.

Motorists may also check the charges for different meters and the longest parking periods allowed via HKeMeter.

Diagram 1:
Hotline Stickers for Different Longest Parking Periods
Diagram 2:
Screenshot of Longest Parking Period Information in HKeMeter

Hotline Sticker
Screen Shot of Longest Parking Period in HKeMeter


If additional supplementary plates, such as "Private Cars Only" plates, are erected alongside the metered parking spaces, and the classification information provided by HKeMeter does not mention them, how should motorists interpret this?


The vehicle classification information available on HKeMeter aims to provide a brief summary of the approximate locations and numbers of vacant metered parking spaces, grouped by three classes of metered parking space as follows:

(1) Parking for vehicles other than medium and heavy goods vehicles, buses, motor cycles and pedal cycles;
(2) Parking for goods vehicles; or
(3) Parking for buses.

As the above-mentioned classes of metered parking space can be fixed with other supplementary plates (for example, "Private Cars Only" in the first class of parking space) to further specify the parking restrictions onsite. Therefore, motorists must comply with the traffic signs and road markings displayed on-site when parking their vehicles.