Real-time Arrival Information System for Green Minibus
The real-time arrival information system ("the System") for green minibus (GMBs) is one of the new initiatives promulgated in the Chief Executive's 2018 Policy Address. To facilitate trip planning by GMB passengers, the Transport Department has installed location detection devices on some 3,300 GMBs in Hong Kong and developed a system which enables passengers to access the estimated time of arrival information of GMBs through the TD's mobile application "HKeMobility". The relevant data is also released in machine-readable format via "DATA.GOV.HK"to the public free of charge. TD has released the real-time arrival information of GMBs in phases starting from late 2020. The implementation programme and the number of GMB routes covered is as follows:
Implementation Programme
From 31 December 2020: |
Trial on three GMB routes |
From 25 March 2021: |
75 GMB routes in total |
From 25 June 2021: |
165 GMB routes in total |
From 24 September 2021: |
237 GMB routes in total |
From 22 December 2021: |
313 GMB routes in total |
From 30 March 2022: |
391 GMB routes in total |
From 28 June 2022: |
453 GMB routes in total |
From 27 October 2022: |
Full implementation on all GMB routes |
For details of GMB routes covered, please refer to the attachment.
Details of using "HKeMobility" to check the estimated time of arrival of GMBs can be referred to the promotional video and the leaflet.
Real-time Arrival Information System for Green Minibus