Special Traffic and Transport Arrangement for Military Review at Shek Kong Barracks on August 1, 2004 30.07.2004
Commissioner for Transport promotes seatbelts on public light buses 28.07.2004
Relaxation of no-stopping rule for taxis extended by 6 months 26.07.2004
Laws on passenger seat belts on public light buses effective from August 1 26.07.2004
Temporary traffic and transport arrangements for closure of Chater Road 23.07.2004
Special bus routes at Hong Kong Coliseum 20.07.2004
Slow lane of westbound Queensway re-opens 20.07.2004
Public advised to note radio announcements on transport 16.07.2004
Public advised to note radio announcements on transport 16.07.2004
Transport Department services to close on issue of signal 8 16.07.2004
Transport Department's Emergency Transport Co-ordination Centre activated 16.07.2004
Suspension of services of Transport Department 16.07.2004
Update of transport situation 16.07.2004
Update of transport situation (2) 16.07.2004
Special bus routes from Hong Kong Coliseum 14.07.2004
Road Safety Vision and Symbol Competitions prize presentation 08.07.2004
"Transport for All" making public transport services accessible and practicable 03.07.2004
TD to start second round of consultation for MOS transport plan 02.07.2004